Poemxtra does not involve in buying and selling of users’ information within and outside our organization. Kindly beware of fraudsters requesting from payments to enable you access our services unless otherwise we have marked such services to be PREMIUM.

Premium services listed on the website are duly indicated with the correct contact info if there is a need for you to transact with us outside the website. Do not fall victim to scammers claiming to be our representatives as we will never request for payment through our means of communicating with you which include e-mail and social media platforms.

Some third-party websites may be co-branded with a Poemxtra identity although we do own, manage, control, or direct their activities. We do not share our users’ personal information with those websites and is not responsible for their privacy policies as they are solely responsible for these policies. If there is any need for us to share your data or information with any third-party platform, we will duly inform you before doing so.

The above DISCLAIMERS are subjected to change only by the owners of POEMXTRA according to our Terms and Conditions.

Please, report to us any suspected fraudster to help improve our services to YOU.


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